
where can i find my microsoft office product key

Are y'all having problem reinstalling your Microsoft Office? In all likelihood, you've forgotten your product activation key. It'south hard to find, and so you might be panicking trying to remember the lost activation code. There are a few options to retrieve this information, regardless of whether you're using a Windows PC or MacBook.

How to Find Your Microsoft Office Product Key

In this commodity, we'll get over how you tin find your product key on your PC or Mac then that you can successfully access all of your Microsoft software.

How to Notice Your Microsoft Function Product Key on a Windows PC

Depending on which version of Windows you're using, the steps for accessing the key are a bit different.

How to Find the Product Key on Windows vii and Earlier Versions

With Windows 7 or an earlier version of the operating system, you don't need boosted software to find the product central.

Purchasing Windows From the Microsoft Store

If you've bought the Windows license through the Microsoft Store, and then the production key re-create is saved in your Microsoft Account. This means that Microsoft has sent you the key in a confirmation electronic mail. Search through your inbox to discover it. If you don't come across information technology, go through the junk folder as well.

Here'due south what to practise if the email is nowhere in sight:

  1. Log into the Microsoft Store and go into Downloads.
  2. Select "Production Keys" and open up the "Subscription" page.
  3. Tap the "Digital Content" tab to view all your purchases and product keys.

You should run across the product central among the items on the list.

Purchasing Windows From a Retailer

A licensed retail store can besides sell Windows products. They come in a box with a minor business carte du jour containing the product key. If you've saved the card, flip it over to see the key.

Also, you might have taken a picture of the key as an online backup. If you lot suspect that you saved an paradigm, go through your gallery until y'all find the picture.

Alternatively, when yous get your PC from a white box vendor, the production key can exist found on the figurer'south chassis sticker. Although the sticker can rub off over time, yous can check your device to see if the key is still visible.

How to Observe the Product Key on Windows 10 and Windows xi

With newer software similar Windows 10 and Windows 11, you tin can use command prompts or third-party software to recover your fundamental.

How to Detect Product Key Using the Control Prompt

If you're looking for the production key for Windows 10 or Windows xi, you can also employ the trusty control prompt. This action will pull up the key from the motherboard.

To utilise the command prompt on Windows ten:

  1. Simultaneously printing downwardly on the "Windows" and "X" keys.
  2. Tap "Control Prompt (Admin)"
  3. When the command prompt window pops up, type in:
    wmic path SoftwareLicensingService get OA3xOriginalProductKey

The window will and so generate the product key.

Here'due south how to use the prompt on Windows 11:

  1. Simultaneously printing the "Windows" and "S" keys to open Windows search.
  2. Type "cmd" and select "Run equally ambassador" from the search results.
  3. Enter the following in the popular-up command window:
    wmic path SoftwareLicensingService become OA3xOriginalProductKey

Your key will appear onscreen. You can have a picture of it or shop it online for safekeeping.

How to Detect Product Cardinal Using Third-Party Software

Using boosted software tin sometimes be complicated. But Windows Powershell and ProduKey make finding your key a relatively straightforward process.

Find Your Product Cardinal With Windows PowerShell

RunningPowerShell is a great solution to grab your key rapidly. Since information technology'due south a congenital-in Windows app, no downloads are necessary. To use it:

  1. Go to the Outset menu at the bottom of your desktop screen and type in "PowerShell."
  2. Launch the app when you come across information technology in the search results.
  3. Blazon the post-obit command into the PowerShell window:
    (Go-WmiObject -query 'select * from SoftwareLicensingService').OA3xOriginalProductKey

Your product key will appear in the window when the command is executed.

Find Your Product Cardinal With ProduKey

If you're not tech-savvy, handling software and hardware can be daunting. Luckily, many fantabulous 3rd-party apps will practise the hard work for yous. A good selection for retrieving your Microsoft product fundamental is NiriSoft's ProduKey. Information technology'due south malware-free, then y'all don't take to worry about the app stealing your data and information.

Some antivirus protection might all the same flag it and outcome a warning considering it comes from a third-political party manufacturer.

Here's how to use ProduKey:

  1. Download ProduKey.
  2. Unzip the folder.
  3. Run the app.

The app will then generate your product key in a dissever window.

You lot tin also use this app to excerpt the key from a dead PC that refuses to kicking at all:

  1. Connect the hard drive to a functioning computer.
  2. Launch ProduKey and select "File."
  3. Tap "Select Source," and so click "Load the product keys from external Windows directory."

This process will call back the fundamental stored on the expressionless PC.

How to Detect Your Microsoft Product Key in the Windows Registry File

If you don't want to use a third-political party app to recover the product key, in that location'southward an alternate fashion to do information technology. It'south possible to access the key in the Windows Registry File, merely you'll need the correct command.

To pull upwards the fundamental from the Registry File:

  1. Become to the Search menu and type "regedit."
  2. Select "Registry Editor" in the context menu.
  3. Find and open up the post-obit primal:
    Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform
  4. The window will generate a list of files. Go to the BackupProductKeyDefault key.

The production primal is recorded next to the BackupProductKeyDefault cardinal in the Information column

How to Find Your Production Fundamental With Microsoft Support

When you're in a hurry or feel like yous need a bit of extra guidance, yous tin try contacting the Microsoft Support team. Here's how to ask for assistance:

  1. Simultaneously press the "Windows" and "I" keys to enter Settings.
  2. Blazon "Activation settings" in the search bar.
  3. Tap "Become Help" on the right role of the desktop.
  4. Choose your reason and select "Contact Support."
  5. Tap your product blazon and click "Ostend."
  6. Cull "Provide your phone number, and the support agent volition telephone call yous."

Subsequently yous enter your personal information, the support team will achieve out to you lot.

How to Detect Your Microsoft Office Product Key on a Mac

At that place are too different ways to unlock Microsoft Office on your MacBook.

First, try using the sometime PIN. To do then:

  1. Locate the packaging or card that came with your Microsoft Function.
  2. When you lot find the Pin, visit this Microsoft website and blazon it in.

This method will recover your central merely if you've never used the PIN.

The product cardinal could be saved on your account page if you've used it before. To locate it on your page:

  1. Sign in to your Microsoft account.
  2. Tap "View product key."

When yous download Office from an online store, you should receive the production key in your inbox. When searching your electronic mail for the receipt, make sure to go through the junk binder also.

If yous've bought a DVD copy of Role, check the inside of the DVD case. You should see the product cardinal on a xanthous sticker.

How to Find Your Microsoft Function Product Cardinal in the Home Apply Program

Your Mac could exist using the Home Use Program version of Function. In that case, you'll have to go a product code instead of a product central.

Hither's how to find the code:

  1. Enter the Home Use Program.
  2. Type your country or region and piece of work e-mail accost.
  3. Select "Don't Know Your Program Lawmaking?"
  4. Tap "Verify E-mail."

These steps will permit you to remember your production code.

Anyone Can Crack the Microsoft Role Code

Much of our personal and professional lives revolve around accessing our Microsoft products at whatever time. When y'all upgrade your software or have to reinstall information technology, getting locked out of your Part Suite tin be frustrating, especially if you've forgotten the production key.

The skillful news is that you have all the tools necessary to bypass this problem. Whether y'all're a PC or Mac user, this commodity has hopefully helped you learn how to find your production fundamental anytime and anywhere.

When was the concluding fourth dimension you had to search for your Microsoft Office central? How did you restore information technology? Tell u.s. in the annotate section.


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